BBQ HOF Information

For additional information or inquiries, please contact us at the following:

American Royal Association
1701 American Royal Court,
Kansas City, MO 64102
Phone: (816) 221-9800
Email: [email protected]


  • Step one: Nominations are received via the online nomination form that is open from April to April. Anyone is encouraged and welcome to nominate an individual for this pristine honor.
  • Step two: Once the nomination timeline for that year is complete (April), the nomination period will close and all nominations that were received + nominations that were received for the two previous years are reviewed by the nominating committee.
  • Step three: During the month of May, the nominating committee will review, research, and narrow down the nominations to the Top 10 finalists. These finalists are selected by their overall commitment and impact to the BBQ community.
  • Step four: Once the Top 10 finalists are selected, they go through the final voting process. The final voting process occurs in May and each individual from the nominating committee + each living inductee is allowed to vote for four individuals to be inducted.
  • Step five: Once all the results are in, the top four finalist who received the most votes become the new inductees for that year and are announced at the end of May.

Note: Legacy Inductees are determined by the nominating committee. These inductees do not go for vote. Nominations for legacy individuals are received on the same nomination form (noted above)

As of 2022, seven individuals will be inducted into the  Hall of Fame Class each year:

  • 4 Inductees
  • 3 Legacy Inductees (Individuals who have passed)

New in 2020: The Barbecue Hall of Fame Legacy Category honors deceased individuals whose contributions to barbecue excellence helped establish the rich barbecue tradition we enjoy today. Barbecue is a centuries-old culinary art and  this category will recognize individuals whose formative influence came before the modern era of competitions and food media.

Nomination and Induction Process:

Nominations for the Legacy Category may be made by the general public and members of the Hall’s nomination committee. The nomination committee will determine the final class of Legacy Category inductees each year. No more than three (3) individuals will be inducted into the Legacy Category in any given year.

Please note, this is a different category than those who were inducted prior to 2012.

2024 Nominations are closed.

Nominations are opened year round. Nominations received before Mid-April 2025 will be in the 2025 pool of nominations.

Wednesday, May 22, 2024 at 3:00 p.m. (CST)

The Barbecue Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony is held during the American Royal World Series of Barbecue®. We will celebrate the 2024 Barbecue Hall of Fame Class on Saturday, November 2nd in Kansas City, KS. Further details will be determined at an additional time. For more information on the ceremony and Hall of Fame events, visit BBQ HOF Events.

Current Barbecue Hall of Fame Selection Committee members and past living Barbecue Hall of Fame inductees. Check back soon for information on the nominating committee. Please click here to learn more about the Selection Committee.